Boppin’ Tots



18 - 35 Months

Register for Boppin' Tots Here



Intellectual & Academic

Sparks a child's imagination & nurtures individual creativity.

Develops expression of self through non-verbal cues.

Develops musicality.

There is a strong correlation between involvement in the arts & increaded education achievement.

Social & Emotional 

A fun way to meet new friends

Develops essential social skills through interaction with others.

Builds confidence, focus, motivation & discipline. 

Helps to display confidence, self-esteem & poise.

Develops communication, teamwork & leadership skills. 


Builds muscle strength & increase flexibility.

Develops a sense of balance, improve agility, coordination & promotes joint health.

Improves brain function through use of memory & rythm skills.

Develops body awareness & correct posture.

Relieves stress & feels relaxed.
